To find the right color, you need to find the right lighting.


The new PANTONE D50 Lighting Indicator decals make it easy to determine if your viewing conditions are suitable for accurate color evaluation, specification and matching.

Pure simplicity.

Two light-sensitive panels respond to your viewing illumination. They change color at different illumination temperatures.When properly illuminated in the D50 range (5,000 K, the recommended illumination for accurate color evaluations), the two fields appear the same color. If the light is not in the D50 range, the two patches will appear differentThe further your light source deviates from D50, the more contrast the two colors of the indicator will show.

Have you found the color you are looking for? Stick with it.

PANTONE D50 Lighting Indicator decals have a self-adhesive backing. This allows you to staple them to your color proofs and send them on their way together.This ensures that everyone in your production chain makes accurate color decisions.

Trust your color choices.

PANTONE® D50 Lighting Indicator stickers make it easy for you to find the right color.

Each sheet contains 40 decals and is available as a single page